The principle place of activity of the Association shall be located in Lincoln, Nebraska.  The Association may have such other places of activities, either within or without the State of Nebraska, as the Board of Directors may determine or as the activities of the Association may require from time to time.





  • Promote the general welfare of law enforcement in Nebraska.

  • Develop closer personal and official relationships among law enforcement personnel.

  • Foster a steadfast resolution in all people to protect the rights, liberties and welfare of the people.

  • Raise the standards of law enforcement and the personnel connected therewith.

  • Provide continuing education and training for law enforcement.

  • Disseminate new materials and methods in law enforcement.

  • Encourage recognition of law enforcement as a professional work entitled to commensurate respect.

  • Advocate and encourage legislation for the improvement of law enforcement work and for the benefit of its personnel.

  • Help defray the burial expense of its members.





            SECTION 1.   The members of the Association shall be divided into ten classes, and the qualifications and rights of the members of each class is as set forth below:

  • A) FULL MEMBER: Any individual who is actively engaged as a full time, regular, commissioned Law Enforcement Officer employed by a municipality of the State of Nebraska.

  • B) ASSOCIATE FULL MEMBER: Any individual who is actively engaged as a full time noncommissioned employee of the Police Department of a municipality of the State of Nebraska, (including Dispatchers, Police Cadets, Parking control Officers, and Animal control Officers), and any individual commissioned as a Reserve Police Officer, or Part-time Police Officer of the Police Department of a municipality is eligible.

  • C) REGULAR MEMBER: Any individual who is actively engaged as a full time, regular, commissioned Law Enforcement Officer employed by other than a municipality of the State of Nebraska is eligible to be a Regular Member.

  • D) ASSOCIATE REGULAR MEMBER: Any individual who is actively engaged as a full time noncommissioned Law Enforcement Officer employed by other than a municipality of the State of Nebraska and any individual commissioned as a Reserve Law Enforcement Officer employed by other than a municipality of the State of Nebraska is eligible to become an Associate Regular Member.

  • E) RETIRED MEMBER: Any individual who has been a Full Member or a Regular Member of the Association for fifteen (15) or more consecutive years and thereafter ceases to be eligible for either Full or Regular Membership and is not eligible for Life membership, shall be eligible to be a Retired Member.


  • F) ASSOCIATE RETIRED MEMBER: Any individual who has retired from a full-time or noncommissioned law enforcement position in the State of Nebraska, but would otherwise not qualify as a retired member.

  • G) HONORARY MEMBER: The Board of Directors may bestow Honorary membership upon any person.

  • H) SPONSORING MEMBERSHIP: Any individual eighteen (18) years of age or more may become a Sponsoring Member and any business entity lawfully conducting business within the State of Nebraska may become a Sponsoring Member by contribution of financial support according to the following schedules:

            1)  Gold Sponsoring Membership: $1000 plus

            2)  Silver Sponsoring Membership: $500 to $999

            3)  Bronze Sponsoring Membership: $100 to $499

            4)  Patron Sponsoring Membership: $50 to $99

            Sponsoring Members shall receive Sponsoring Membership notation on the Association web-site, a letter from the Association President, an invoice for personal records, and other benefits of Sponsoring Membership as bestowed by the Board.

  • I) AUXILIARY MEMBERSHIP: Any individual who shall be related to any Full Member, Regular Member, Retired Member, Associate Full Member, or Associate Regular Member may be eligible for Auxiliary Membership. Relationship shall be defined as: spouse, parent, son, daughter, grandparent, grandchild, aunt, uncle, brother, sister or same relationship by marriage.

  • J) LIFE MEMBERS: With the exception of sponsoring and auxiliary memberships, all charter members and those who were members prior to induction into the Hall of Fame, shall be awarded Life Membership within their class of membership, and no annual dues shall be assessed upon Life Members.

SECTION 2.  All classes of members, except Honorary Members, Sponsoring Members, Associate Retired members, and Auxiliary Members shall be entitled to vote on matters which are submitted to a vote of the members.

SECTION 3.  Only Full Members, Retired Members (who have been a Full Member or Regular Member of the Association for fifteen (15) consecutive years), and Regular members shall be entitled to serve on the board of Directors of the Association and to hold other elective offices.  No more than (1) one Regular Member may serve on the board at any one time and only in the capacity of Director.

SECTION 4.   The annual meeting of the members shall be held at the same time and place as the Annual Conference of the Association.  The Annual Meeting will be held without further notice than contained in these Bylaws and in the call for the Annual Conference.

SECTION 5.   Special Meetings of the members for any purpose, may be called by the Board of Directors.  In the event of a Special Meeting, the notice thereof shall designate the date, time and place of the Special Meeting and shall be mailed (email is an acceptable alternative) to voting class memberships not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the Special Meeting.

SECTION 6.   Twenty-five (25) members entitled to vote on the affairs of the Association shall constitute a quorum at a meeting of the membership.  Unless otherwise provided by law, a simple majority of the votes cast of the members present at any meeting is required for the adoption of any resolution or the taking of any action.

SECTION 7.   Any qualified individual may make application for membership to the Board of Directors or in such manner as the Board of Directors shall direct.  Membership shall be granted in the appropriate class in the manner directed by the Board of Directors.  Membership can be revoked by two-thirds majority vote of the Board of Directors after notice and an appropriate determination that the conduct of the members is adverse to the best interest of the Association.

SECTION 8.   The funds necessary to carry out the program of the Association shall be contributed by the members by the payment of membership dues and other fund raising activities as approved by the Board of Directors.  At its Annual Meeting, the Board of Directors shall establish the annual membership dues for all classes of membership for the ensuing year.

SECTION 9.   No member shall have any right in or claim upon the property of the Association while a member or after termination of membership.





SECTION 1.   The activities and affairs of the Association shall be managed by its Board of Directors.

SECTION 2.   The Board of Directors shall consist of the five (5) Officers of the Association and six (6) Directors.  The six (6) Directors shall be elected for terms of three (3) years and shall serve until their successors are elected and qualified.  Two (2) of the six (6) members of the Board of Directors shall stand for election each year.

SECTION 3.   The five (5) Officers of the Association, President, Immediate Past President, First Vice President, Second Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer, shall also be members of the Board of Directors.  The President, First Vice President and the Second Vice President shall be elected at the Annual conference to serve a term of one (1) year.  Therein, the President shall then become the Immediate Past President, the First Vice President shall succeed the President and the Second Vice President shall succeed the First Vice President.  The Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected bi-annually at the conference and shall serve a term of two (2) years.  Each Officer is to serve their term until their successors are qualified or elected.

SECTION 4.   A Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held, without notice, immediately following and at the same place as the Annual Meeting of the members.  The Board of Directors shall, in addition, meet at such other times and places as shall be designated by the President.

SECTION 5.   Notices of any Meeting shall be given at least five (5) days prior thereto in writing; however, the attendance of a Director at a Meeting shall constitute a Waiver of Notice of such Meeting unless the Director attends for the expressed purpose of objecting to the transaction of any business because the Meeting was not lawfully called.

SECTION 6.   Six (6) members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any Meeting of the Board of Directors.

SECTION 7.   Any vacancy occurring in the Board of Directors or Officers of the Association may be filled by an affirmative vote of a majority of the Board of Directors.  A Director or Officer elected to fill a vacancy shall be appointed for the unexpired term of his predecessor in Office, but shall not extend to the succession of Offices as provided in Article IV Section 3.  In such event the membership at the Annual conference shall elect the Officer position vacated.

SECTION 8.   The act of a majority of the Directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Board of Directors.

SECTION 9.   Recall of Officer or Directors, Procedures When Applicable.  Any Officer or Director may be recalled from Office due to inactivity or malfeasance of Office.   A written complaint must be filed with the Secretary-Treasurer who shall cause the recall to be brought before the Board of Directors.  Written notice shall be provided the Officer or Director who shall be the subject of the recall as to the date, time and place of the recall hearing before the Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors shall have the authority to recall any Officer or Director for just cause by a simple majority as provided in Article IV Section 8.





SECTION 1.   PRESIDENT: The President shall be the principle executive Officer of the Association and shall in general supervise and control all activities and affairs of the Association.  He shall, when present, preside at all meetings of the members and the Board of Directors.  He may sign, with the Secretary or any other proper Officer of the Association authorized by the Board of Directors, any documents or other instruments which the Board of Directors has authorized to be executed, and in general shall perform all duties incident to the Office of President and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors from time to time.  The President shall appoint all committee chairpersons, except standing committees, who shall be appointed by the Board of Directors and their terms of office shall not expire.  The President shall oversee the activities of the Finance Committee and the planning for the annual conference.  The President shall be an ex-official member of all committees of this Association.

SECTION 2.   FIRST VICE PRESIDENT:  In the absence of the President, or in the event of his recall, death, inability or refusal to act, the First Vice President shall perform the duties of the President and when so acting shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the President.  The First Vice President shall oversee the activities of the Training Committee, Legislative Committee, and Retirement Committee.  The First Vice President shall also perform such other duties as may from time to time be assigned to him by the President or the Board of Directors.

SECTION 3.   SECOND VICE PRESIDENT:  In the absence of the President or First Vice President, the Second Vice President shall perform the duties of the President and when doing so shall have all the powers             of and be subject to all the restrictions as upon the President.  The Second Vice President shall oversee activities of the, Membership Committee, Election Committee, Awards Committee, and Fundraising Committee.  The Second Vice President shall also perform such other duties as may from time to time be assigned to him by the President and Board of Directors.

SECTION 4.   SECRETARY-TREASURER:  The Secretary-Treasurer shall ensure the collection of the minutes of the Members and the Board of Directors meetings, see that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of the Bylaws, be custodian of the corporate records, keep a register of the post office and email addresses of each Member, have charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds and securities of the Association and in general perform the duties incident to the Office of the Secretary-Treasurer and such other duties as may from time to time be assigned to him by the Board of Directors.  The Secretary-Treasurer shall oversee the activities of any association employee or person under contractual agreement for services by the Association.  The financial records of the Association shall be audited annually.

SECTION 5.   HISTORIAN:  A Historian may be appointed by the President.  His duties include being the parliamentarian for the Board with knowledge of the rules of procedure.  As the parliamentarian he provides advice to the presiding officer, who then is free to accept or reject it. The parliamentarian has no authority to actually make rulings himself but is a “rules-resource”.  His duties shall also consist of maintaining the chapter’s history, collect and maintain biographical information and document events of the association with photos and mementos. This appointment is a non-voting appointment within the Board of Directors.





SECTION 1.   An Election Committee consisting of three members shall be appointed prior to the annual membership meeting.  The Chairperson will appoint the remaining committee members.

SECTION 2.   The Election Committee shall nominate members for election to the Board of Directors and as Officers.  In addition, nominations may be made from the floor, if the consent of the person nominated has been received in advance.  The Election committee shall nominate bi-annually the Secretary Treasurer and annually candidates for Second Vice President and Directors. Any Office vacated will be filled as per Article IV Section 7 of the Bylaws.

SECTION 3.   The Election Committee shall also serve as the judges of the election, count the ballots and certify the results thereof.

SECTION 4.  At the conclusion of the annual election of Directors and Officers the ballots shall be destroyed except by a motion and majority vote of the membership to retain.





SECTION 1.   The Association may hire or contract with such employee or company as necessary upon the Board of Directors approval to conduct the administrative duties of the Association.

SECTION 2.   The Association shall be an equal opportunity employer and shall abide by all applicable Federal, State and Local Labor laws.

SECTION 3.   All employees of the Association shall be salaried employees.  The Board of Directors annually shall set the salary per employee or may adjust the same from time to time as necessary for the efficient operation of the Association.

SECTION 4.   The Secretary-Treasurer of the Association shall prepare and present annually to the Board of Directors a detailed job description for each employee of the Association for the board of Directors approval.

SECTION 5.   Any employee may be terminated with or without cause by the Board of Directors of the Association and shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors.

SECTION 6.   Individuals, firms or corporations who shall enter into a serve contract agreement with the Association shall not be considered as Association Employees.

SECTION 7.   Officers of the Association shall not be employees of the Association and shall be prohibited from becoming employees of the Association.  Officers of the Association may receive monthly expense allowances as may be approved by the Board of Directors.





SECTION 1.   As provided in Article III, Section H, the Association may authorize an Auxiliary membership.  The Second Vice President of this Association shall be on the Board of Directors of such POAN Auxiliary Association which is herein authorized.

SECTION 2.   The activities of the POAN Auxiliary Association shall not be in conflict with the Bylaws of this Association.

SECTION 3.   The POAN Auxiliary Association shall prepare and present their Bylaws to this Association for approval.

SECTION 4.   The POAN Auxiliary Association shall pay to this Association one-half of the membership dues collected per member.

SECTION 5.   The POAN Auxiliary Association shall hold their Annual Conference in conjunction with this Association’s Annual Conference.

SECTION 6.   The POAN Auxiliary Association shall abide by the Nebraska Nonprofit Corporation Act, and all applicable Federal, State and Local Laws and shall be subordinate to this Association, as an extension of this Association.

SECTION 7.   The Association shall, by the action of the Board of Directors, have veto powers over the action and activities of the POAN Auxiliary Association.

SECTION 8.   The President of the POAN Auxiliary Association shall be an ex-official member of the POAN Board of Directors.

SECTION 9.   The POAN Auxiliary Association is prohibited from retaining employees, or causing indebtedness to POAN Association.





SECTION 1.   The President of the Association shall have the power to create whatever committees and chairpersons he deems reasonable to carry out the activities of the Association including and in addition to the following committees:

  • A) Training Committee

  • B) Finance Committee

  • C) Membership Committee

  • D) Awards Committee

  • E) Fundraising Committee

  • F) Legislative Committee

  • G) Election Committee

  • H) Retirement Committee

SECTION 1A. The Retirement Committee shall be a standing committee.

SECTION 2.   The duties and responsibilities of the Committee shall rest with the Committee Chairperson and the Vice Presidents overseeing such committee and shall conform to the following prescribed criteria.

  • A) TRAINING COMMITTEE: Shall be responsible for the selection of training program for the Annual Conference and shall coordinate reasonable accommodations for the same, and /or training programs including annual conference.

  • B) FINANCE COMMITTEE: Shall be responsible for preparation of the Association budget and long-range financial planning; shall conduct the annual audit of the Association accounts or cause the same to occur; shall make recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding investment options and shall work with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Association.

  • C) MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE: Shall be responsible for membership recruitment and membership reactivation. The Membership Committee shall prepare and present an action plan to the Board of Directors annually during the first quarter of the fiscal year for approval and implementation.

  • D) AWARDS COMMITTEE: Shall seek nominations for the Hall of Fame Award and the Outstanding Officer Award; shall investigate candidates and select person or persons annually to receive these awards at the annual conference; shall oversee the procurement of these awards, present the awards at the annual banquet and coordinate the placement of the recipients name on the Hall of Fame plaque at the Nebraska Law Enforcement Training Center.

  • E) FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE: Shall be responsible for the fundraising activities of the Association, which may include but are not limited to a semi-annual publication and/or soliciting sponsoring memberships; shall make recommendations to the Board of Directors in all fundraising activities for approval.

  • F) LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE: Shall work with the Association in the drafting, introducing of or monitoring of legislation before the Nebraska Unicameral; shall report during the first quarter of the fiscal year to the Board of Directors on all legislative bills pending which affect the interest of this Association or its Members; shall coordinate all testimony before the various Legislative Committees or hearings before the Nebraska Unicameral; shall be familiar with pending legislation and make appropriate recommendations to the Board of Directors for official Association response.

  • G) ELECTION COMMITTEE: Duties as prescribed in Article VI.

  • H) RETIREMENT COMMITTEE: Shall coordinate legislative activities on all issues affecting the Nebraska Retirement Laws with the Legislative Committee.

SECTION 3.   The President may expand the general duties of any committee from time to time as he sees fit.

SECTION 4.   The Committee Chairperson(s) and the President shall be responsible for the selection of personnel to their respective committees, except as designated standing committee.

SECTION 5.   Chairperson(s) serve at the pleasure of the President of the Association and may be replaced by the President as he shall see fit, except for standing committee.  In the event that a standing committee chair is not able to fulfill his duties the President may appoint a new chair for the duration of the person’s term, subject to a vote of the majority of the Board.





SECTION 1.   This Association by vote of the Board of Directors may enter into an affiliation agreement with any lawfully constituted nonprofit corporation.





The Association shall, as authorized by the Provisions of the Nebraska Nonprofit Corporation Act, indemnify any Member,  Officer or Director for all costs and expense incurred, including judgments, fines and amounts paid in settlement resulting from any action taken by such Member, Officer or Director in good faith and in a manner he reasonable believes to be in or not opposed to the best interests of the Association and after having been so authorized to act, directly or indirectly by the Board of Directors or Members in meeting assembled.





In the event of cessation of the activities of the Association, it shall be dissolved in accordance with the provisions of the Nebraska Nonprofit Corporation Act and any assets remaining after discharging all appropriate charges thereof, shall be distributed to any organization formed and operating to carry out the objects and purpose for which the Association was formed.





The Fiscal year of the Association shall begin on the first day of October of each year; membership year shall be from the first day of January of each year.





Whenever any notice is required to be given to any Member or Director of the Association under the provisions of these Bylaws, or under the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation, or the laws of the State of Nebraska, waiver thereof in writing, signed by the person entitled to such notices, whether before or after the time stated therein, shall be deemed equivalent to the giving of such notice.



Roberts’ Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of all Meetings of the Members and all Meetings of the Board of Directors.





These Bylaws may be amended, altered or repealed and new Bylaws may be adopted by the Board of Directors at any Regular or Special Meeting of the Board of Directors.





Upon the verification of the death of any Full, Regular, or Retired Member, the Secretary-Treasurer shall pay as a Death Benefit or Memorial such sum as has been fixed from time to time by the Board of Directors, to the beneficiary who has been named by the Member, provided however, no such Death Benefit or Memorial shall be paid at the Death of any Member who first became a Member after his fifty-fifth (55th) birthday and who had not been a Full, Regular, and/or Retired Member, or a combination thereof, for at least five (5) years.  Provided, further, the amount of Death Benefit payable to the Beneficiary of any Full or Regular Member killed in the line of duty as a Law Enforcement Officer shall be fixed by the Board of Directors from time to time.





SECTION 1.   There shall hereby be created a POAN Death Benefit Trust Account.  Said account to be separate and distinct from the general accounts of the Association to provide for Death Benefits effective Oct. 1, 1994.

SECTION 2.   The Board of Directors shall from time to time set a percent of gross revenue from all membership dues and /or fundraising activities and cause the same to be deposited into the POAN Death Benefit Trust Account.

SECTION 3.   Only Board of Directors approved withdrawals for Death Benefits may be withdrawn from the POAN Death Benefit Trust Account.

SECTION 4.   In computing Death Benefits the Board of Directors shall consider the following.

  • 1) Type of Membership.

  • 2) Length of Membership.

  • 3) Whether Line of Duty Death or not.

  • 4) Trust Account Balance.

  • 5) Projected Number of Benefits, averaged per year.

The Board of Directors shall establish a formula for computation of Death Benefits based upon the above criteria and may from time to time adjust or amend such formula.

SECTION 5.   In the event the POAN Death Benefit and Trust Account Balance shall be depleted, no Death Benefits shall be available to the membership, wherein the membership shall waive all claims for benefits entitled herein through implied consent.

SECTION 6.   The Board of Directors may at any time dissolve the POAN Death Benefit Trust Account.  In such event a notice shall be required to be sent to all Full, Regular or Retired Members.

SECTION 7.   The Death Benefit is not an insurance policy bestowed upon Full, Regular or Retired Members and there is no contractual agreement directly or indirectly that such benefit will be paid to Members.  POAN shall not establish a property interest or convey a property interest in the same to any member.


CHANGES TO THE Police Officer’s Association of Nebraska Bylaws.

January 24, 1992 Approved by Gary Spencer, President

October 25, 2000 Article II, Section 4.  Delete “during the month of October of

each year.”  Approved by Tim Mullen, President.

January 28, 2004, Approved by James Peschong, President

October 4, 2009, Article II, Section 1, Article IX, Section 1, 1A, & 5 Approved by the Board and President Don Dreyer.

January 22, 2010, Article IV, Section 3, Article V, Section 5 & Article VI, Section 2.  Approved by the Board and President Jim Peschong.

 October 1, 2017,  Article III, Section G, regarding Sponsoring Memberships:  Designating contribution amounts for each level of membership and indicating what those contributions provided the contributors.  Article III, section I, Subsection 3 to indicate that no more than one Regular Member may serve on the Board of Directors at one time and only in the capacity of Director.  Approved by the Board and President Lorensen.


October 6th, 2019, Approval of the By-laws in full including changes: Article III/Section 1 (adding Associate Retired Membership); Section 5 (email added as acceptable notice to membership); Article V/Section 4 (Secretary Treasurer shall ensure the collection of minutes as  well as email addresses of members);  Article VI/Section 4 (calls for the destruction of ballots except by motion and vote to retain); Article VII/Section 1 (allows the association to also contract with a company); Section 4 (deleted requirement for employees to provide a job description) Approved by the membership, Board and President Hogue.

Standing Rules - Scholarships

Police Officers Association of Nebraska

$1,000 scholarships:  These scholarships are available to members who are currently working in the Law Enforcement field whether full time or part-time.  The purpose of the scholarships is to provide opportunities for POAN members to increase their knowledge and skills in order to enhance the Law enforcement Profession.  Eight $500 scholarships will be drawn at the annual Business meeting held during the Annual POAN Conference.  Four from attendees and four from the membership list.  If a winner is a retired member, then another name will be drawn to replace the retired member.

Expenses associated with an approved school/training must be submitted to the POAN Secretary/Treasure by October 1st of the following year the scholarship was awarded to the POAN member.  If the school/training is after October 1st of the following year the POAN member can submit the known expenses (registration fee, air travel, room expenses, estimated mileage expenses using the closest routing as determined by a web site mapping service).

For advanced expenses to be requested the POAN member must provide proof that they have a confirmed registration to an approved school/training and once the school/training has been completed, the POAN member must provide to the POAN Secretary/Treasurer proof of completion of the school/training

If for some reason the officer cannot attend a school within one fiscal year, he/she forfeits the scholarship.  The scholarship is not transferable to another person or agency.

Approved this   3rd   day of   October, 2010

President:   James Peschong

Amended from five $1000 scholarships to eight $500 scholarships; approved by the Board.

Standing Rules – Political Candidates 

Police Officers Association of Nebraska

Political Candidates:  It is our policy (POAN) not to endorse any political candidate running for public office.  On the state level, we have to work with all the Senators and Governor of Nebraska.

On the local level, the POAN represents towns of all sizes and classes and the local Law Enforcement officials must work with their mayors and councilmen.

However, any member of the POAN can endorse any political candidate he/she desires as long as he/she doesn’t do it on behalf of the POAN.

Approved this   3rd   day of   October, 2010

President:   James Peschong

Standing Rules – Quarterly Meetings 

Police Officers Association of Nebraska

Quarterly Directors meetings:

          January: legislative bills; membership

          April: donation requests review/approval

July: Hall of Fame/Officer of the Year; scholarships; Conference details

          October of month of Annual Conference – Pre-Conference meeting.

Approved this   3rd   day of   October, 2010

President:   James Peschong

Amended to reflect current practice: October 2019; approved by the board

Standing Rules – Electronic Mail 

Police Officers Association of Nebraska

E-mail or other electronic mail:   IT shall be the duty of the Secretary/Treasurer to keep track and record in the minutes at the following Board meeting any discussion and motions made through electronic means to the Board of Directors.  Any voting on a motion will be recorded in a simple manner to document the board’s position.

Approved this   3rd   day of   October, 2010

President:   James Peschong